If you have some great videos that you want to share but also to make some money then VideofyMeis the place for you.
This website will pay you for every single view on your video. Amazing, you upload the video and just share it, then just sit back and watch the views and money just rising.
How much you earn depends on how many videos you make, how many views they have, the content of the videos, and where your audience comes from.
They count every ad which is shown on your videos and pay you money for each and every view.
Upgrade to a full account for free and start making money from your videos.
When do you get paid?
On the 25th of each month, you get paid for the previous month’s video views if you earn more than EU
R 50. If you do not reach at least EUR 50, the money is carried over to the next month.
Payment methods.
You can get paid via PayPal,and they also support bank payments via BIC/IBAN.
This service is available only in some countries, like Canada, Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Spain,Sweden,United Kingdom, and United States.
Maybe they are going to available worldwide soon too, many people would loved that.
This is great opportunity for people that tried this with YouTube but didn’t get accepted in their partnership programs.
Start exposing your video art and capabilities while providing a income on the side for the things you like.
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