Make Money Online


Thursday, August 23, 2012

How To Make Money With An Insurance Blog

If you have an insurance background and wish to maybe parlay your expertise online, than a blog might be a good web venture for you to try. With a blog you’re able to teach and show others how to do certain things and or learn valuable information. Remember that the web is an information hungry environment and as such those who surf and search are usually looking for tips, tricks and knowledge on a given topic.

This is where your expertise can really gain some ground and become a marketable asset. It’s important to note that a blog aside from being a source of information on a topic is also a monetizable property. You can make money from your blog in various ways, below we look at the three most popular methods.

How To Make Money With An Insurance Blog

1. Private Ads -

When you invite private ads on your blog, you allow others to advertise their service, product or company in exchange for a fee. This fee could be monthly, annually or simply a one time payment. As for what amount to charge will depend on the quality of your blog including its age, Google rank, Alexa rank, popularity in the social media, content, niche and so on. Obviously the more established and popular your blog, the higher rate you can command. This is why it’s so important to think about this when you first create your site and design a layout that accommodate private ad placements. You want to make your blog ad friendly from the beginning, so that when would be suitors come knocking, you will be able to easily place them.

image via (Flickr)

2. Adsense -

Have you heard of Adsense? This is the ad network put in place by Google which pays per click based on site content. The rate per click varies by many factors including the niche, the content on the page, the optimization of this page and more; but generally speaking it varies from a few pennies per click to as much as double digits for one single click. There are secrets to this ad network and is not as easy to make money with as other networks, however it is easy to implement and configure.

3. Affiliate Programs -

When you participate in an affiliate program for a merchant you essentially become a referral partner for this merchant. An online referral partner. For example, let’s say you join the Best Buy affiliate program, when you do this media (such as banners and text links) is given to you which you then place on your blog and when someone from your site buys from it, you get a cut of the money spent. There are affiliate programs for every niche on the web including finance and insurance. If you join an insurance affiliate program and then promote it on your blog, when someone clicks and buys through one of your media links (whether a banner or text link) then you get a percent or set dollar figure on the amount spent. However the trick is knowing which programs to join, which networks to become aligned with and how best to promote the various offers. For this, you would need to do your due research and ask established affiliate bloggers to lessen the learning curve. Start small and work your way up.

Making money with an insurance blog requires work, tenacity and proven methods to take it from zero to hero. However it is very possible and many smart web entrepreneurs are doing it day in and day out with one or all of the three idea’s noted above.

Are you interested in making money with an insurance blog? If so, leave a comment below.

Missy owns a series of blogs and is also hired by individuals to write on their behalf including a blog all about auto insurance called where the owner practices one of the methods mentioned above.


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