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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Google+, Next big thing or just another Facebook clone?

Google has done it again, a new way to become even more bigger and closer to the world, a Google+,Google plus .

The new way to connect with your friends and family and even more.

Google+ is the new big thing or just another Facebook clone? Well this is what it’s all about,

when this project goes live and that will be soon you will have a lot of things to do and check out, like these next couple of things.


+Circles, in this Google+ project basically you will have an option to create a circle where you will include only your friends from high school or circle for college friends or one big family circle, you get the point.

Another thing:

+Sparks,  it is sharing engine where you can find subjects that you are passionate about and to spark the conversation about it, conversation about cars,fashion, movies, you type it and join the communities, pretty cool but I hope it is going to be easy, I mean isn’t one Google search engine enough, just kidding.


Yes, there is more:

+Hangouts, have you ever wanted to go and hangout with your +Circle of people without feeling weird if they don’t respond, well this on-screen sharing option will bring you more closely with people from your circles, and how google said “face to face to face” funny xD.


Ready for more, yes we’r not done….yet:

+Mobile,  of course you all know what is this next big thing for, share everything right here and right now, connect with your circle of people, take pictures and upload to a private album in the cloud it so they are not lost and so you can view it on any of your devices.


This next thing is also smart:

+Huddle, like you all know it is hard to organize with your friend and family because everyone has its own schedule right, well not any more, with this new group messaging experience that lets everyone inside the circle know what’s going on, right this second.


And the last but not least important:

+You: putting you first, all across Google
That’s the Google+ project so far: Circles, Sparks, Hangouts and mobile.

This all is in trial and the project is by invitation only

When your invite arrives we hope you’ll join the project.






Everything I wrote here is not any advertising and I’m not paid any money from Google for this, It’s just another way of how to make money in life, follow what’s hot on the net, write about it, get some new traffic and hopefully make some money, thanks for reading and visit my blog again.

The picture is property of Google and I hope that they are not going to be mad on me for posting it here I don’t mean any harm by writing this.

Thank You.


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