If you are good in giving and advices and you are expert in your field of work, then share your advice and get paid to give advice.
Share your expertise on site called minutebox and get paid for the advices that people are looking for.
Choose your field and start monetizing the effort you put in helping the person that seeks advice from the other side of the world.
Set your price and earn extra from home or even full time if you earn the great reputation for yourself.
How It Works?
Minutebox is the social marketplace for real-time advice, where you can sell your expertise and time.
Sign in, you can sign in via twitter, facebook, linkedin, angel list, or github.
For ExpertsTo leverage your online reputation, you can also embed MinuteBox Direct and promote yourself to your own followers or readers.
Once someone wants to buy your time, MinuteBox will notify you right away. You can decide if you are available or not.
What is the most interesting is that you can sell your expertise via video/audio/text chat on MinuteBox and get paid instantly via PayPal.
For ClientsYou can find a MinuteBox expert from their search engine or through the blog/website of the expert.
Easily check the other credentials online before you buy the time from the experts.
Pre-approve money you need for the session. They only deduct the exact payment from the pre-approved amount after the session is finished.
So it makes both sides secure and happy.
Talk to an expert via multi-media chat on minute basis. You get your solution instantly and cost-efficiently, first check the price per minute the expert has set and calculate how much time you will need to spend on learning.
The minutebox is great because, the internet search results can sometimes be very confusing and time consuming, while on the site you find and get the opinion of one person that has reputation on the internet already or in some offline company.
The video,audio and chat will help you learn faster and from the person that will show you the exact way of doing something that is crucial for your business and your reputation also.
Making money selling your expertise was never easier, set the price, update your profile, and if you become more popular you could even start earning the full time just by giving an advices to people that need them.
Work only with your laptop, from the comfort of your home, and knowing that your invested time will be shared to the real person with the passion for learning.
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